A circuit breaker, thermal circuit breaker or key, is a device capable of interrupting the electric current in a circuit when it exceeds certain maximum values​​. Its operation is based on two of the effects produced by the flow of electric current in a circuit: the magnetic and thermal.


The hammer is a tool used to strike a workpiece causing displacement or deformation. The most common use is to drive (a nail embedded wood steel or other material), wear parts (by the action of the applied force in the coup that receives the piece) or break a piece. Hammers are often designed for a special purpose, so their designs are varied. One type of hammer has a wedge open in the rear for the removal of nails.


Plastic hammers are less damaging to the metal and are only used for this purpose, the damage and mark the sheet as possible.The mouths of nylon avoid damaging the surface struck. These ports may be fixed or replaceable, the handle.


 Protective masks protect us against possible respiratory to prevent the entry into the lungs of volatile substances that can affect us for the work injury.


electric meter, electricity meter or electricity consumption meter is a device that measures the power consumption of a circuit or electrical service, being this specific objective.


 The micrometer screw or Palmer, is a measuring instrument based on the micrometer and used to measure objects with high accuracy on the order of hundredths of a millimeter (0.01 mm) and thousandths of a millimeter (0.001mm) (micron).


For use to facilitate the work of cut of drivers and other items.


 A multimeter, also called multimeter 1 or tester is a portable instrument for measuring electrical quantities directly active as current and potential (voltage) or as passive resistance, and other capabilities.

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